Reconstruction after skin cancer removal: More than just “filling a hole”

  • Felipe Bochnia Cerci Hospital Santa Casa de Curitiba
Keywords: skin cancer, surgical flaps, dermatologic surgery


Hundreds of surgical defects are caused by skin cancer removal every day. All these surgeries may leave scars that change a patient’s physical appearance and negatively impact psychosocial functioning. People with facial disfigurement are often stigmatized for appearing different than ―normal‖ and may be considered ―dysfunctional‖ by others. In order to minimize these scars, doctors involved with facial repairs after skin cancer removal should have a thorough knowledge of anatomy and develop adequate operative techniques.


Sobanko JF, Sarwer DB, Zvargulis Z, Miller CJ. Importance of physical appearance in patients with skin cancer. Dermatol Surg. 2015; 41(2): 183–188.
