Cryotherapy as a method of choice in the treatment of cylindromas on the elderly

  • Piotr Brzezinski 1. Department of Dermatology, 6th Military Support Unit, os Ledowo 1N, 76200 Ustka, Poland 2. Institute of Biology and Environmental Protection Pomeranian Academy in Slupsk, Slupsk, Poland
  • Masaoud Sousak General Surgery Department, Paluckie Health Center, Znin, Poland
  • Beatriz Di Martino Ortiz Department of Dermatology, Clinicas Hospital, Faculty of Medical Sciences, National University of Asuncion, Paraguay
  • Anca Chiriac Department of Dermato-Physiology, Apollonia University Iasi, Strada Muzicii nr 2, Iasi-700399, Romania
Keywords: skin cancer, cryotherapy, tumor, elderly, cylindroma, carcinoma


The elderly (i.e., geriatric group) are often vulnerable to skin cancer. These patients often cannot cope with biopsies and surgical excisions. A good alternative is cryotherapy. Cylindroma is a benign adnexal tumor of the skin with eccrine and apocrine differentiation, and commonly occurs in the scalp. We present the case of an 82- year-old woman with a number of large tumors located on the head, which were effectively removed via cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen as a palliative treatment. No recurrence was detected during the two-year follow-up. Cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen is an effective and non-invasive method for the treatment of benign skin tumors in the elderly.


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Case Reports